MSK Healthy Living

MSK Healthy Living


Marcia McFayden joined the MSK Healthy Living program soon after surgery for triple-negative breast cancer. She credits the program with helping her lose weight and rebuild strength through exercise and nutrition coaching and discovering valuable insights with other patients in support groups. "MSK Healthy Living is so enlightening and has made a big difference for my physical and emotional health," she says.

At Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK), we are committed to helping you live your best life during and after cancer treatment.

VIDEO | 2:46

Welcome to MSK Healthy Living

Learn about the MSK Healthy Living program in this video with Nurse Leader Andrea Smith and Dr. Neil Iyengar.
Video Details

MSK Healthy Living is an evidence-based, personalized program with one-on-one support to help you in every aspect of your journey.

We understand it can be difficult to know where to start when you are dealing with cancer treatment.

MSK Healthy Living is designed to make your life simpler by bringing together all the resources of MSK to help you with nutrition and exercise; integrative medicine, such as acupuncture and massage; support for your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being; sexual health; fertility and body image; sleep; financial health; and many other issues.

How MSK Healthy Living Helps You

As a participant in MSK Healthy Living, here’s what you will experience:

  • We will create a personal lifestyle plan tailored to your needs and concerns, based on a comprehensive self-assessment questionnaire that reflects the latest research on improving outcomes and quality of life for people in cancer treatment.
  • A dedicated team will be with you every step of the way, to help choose the best resources for you, schedule appointments, keep your care team updated, and stay in touch to answer questions and help you meet your goals.
  • MSK Healthy Living is available early in your treatment and will improve your transition to life after cancer, often called survivorship
The MSK Healthy Living program really opened my eyes in every area to see what I could do to help myself prevent a recurrence of cancer.
Marcia McFayden patient

Feedback From Current Participants 

“This program has been so instrumental in my recovery!”

“I feel so fortunate to have all these options. I am grateful for the follow-up at intervals, as my needs evolve during my treatment.”

“I am getting great care. The exercise programs are gold!”

Patient Eligibility and Requesting an Appointment 

MSK Healthy Living is open to current MSK breast cancer patients who undergo surgery and meet other medical criteria.

For more information and to ask about requesting an appointment, please talk with your MSK care team.

Exercise physiologist Kylie Rowed seen outdoors.

Exercise physiologist Kylie Rowed is a member of the MSK Healthy Living program. “Exercise can help lessen the side effects of cancer and cancer treatments,” she says. “And the earlier we start, the better.” 

How we support people in MSK Healthy Living


Nutrition and Eating Well

Our food and nutrition team can help you maintain a healthy diet during cancer treatment, as well as eating in a way that reduces your risk for other health problems after treatment has ended. They will help you understand and cope with nutritional challenges related to cancer treatment, including managing possible digestion problems and changes in taste.

You can learn more about nutrition and cancer in these patient education resources and in this Cancer Straight Talk from MSK podcast episode, “Weight Loss, Cancer and the Role of Metabolism.”

Exercise and Staying Active

Research shows that exercise can help with recovery from cancer and minimize the long-term effects of some treatments. MSK has done pioneering research on the benefits of staying active during and after cancer. Our exercise specialists will create a plan that is customized to your needs.

You can learn more about exercise and cancer in this Cancer Straight Talk from MSK podcast episode, “Making Every Step Count,” and in these patient education resources.

Integrative Medicine

Our Integrative Medicine Service provides an array of complementary therapies that address chronic issues such as pain, neuropathy (numbness and tingling), fatigue and insomnia, stress, anxiety, mobility, and more. This includes complementary medicine, such as acupuncture, acupressure, massage, Reiki, exercise, and yoga classes.

Counseling, Support Services, and Financial Resources

Cancer is physically and emotionally challenging. We have many services dedicated to helping you through your journey. Our experts can provide counseling and support to help you and your family manage anxiety and other emotional difficulties of cancer and its treatment. We offer support groups and programs — both in person and online — that you can join to meet other people going through a similar experience or to provide guidance to others. 

Social workers are an integral part of our care team and can provide you with information about how to speak about your diagnosis with family members, work colleagues, and friends. You can have an individual consultation to address your needs, which can either be onetime or ongoing.

Our social workers can also help address your financial concerns.

Sexual Health 

Cancer treatment can affect your sexual health and interest in sexual activity. Our experts — doctors, advanced practice providers, social workers, and psychologists — provide personalized care to address your concerns. Our dedicated Female Sexual Medicine and Women’s Health Program can help with physical symptoms and emotional challenges that may affect your sex life.

The Latest Research
Donate to MSK Healthy Living

Your generosity will advance MSK’s efforts to improve the long-term health and quality of life for people with cancer.

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Request an Appointment

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